Tools that improve the fight against painfulness

Hammers and adjustment keys adapted to assembly and disassembly the formwork and propping systems.

The range nanovib®, elaborated by LEBORGNE, includes all our requirements concerning security, vibration reduction and noise.

Professional tools

Painfulness (regarding the law of September 9th 2010 about pension reform and regarding article L 4121-3-1 of Labor Code) is : "exposure of the employee, during his career, to one or more risks factors that can leave lasting traces, with identifiable and irreversible effects to the health."

ALPHI offers a range of hand tools nanovib® developed by LEBORGNE to solve the demand of construction companies seeking solutions to reduce the factors of painfulness to which their employees are exposed.

Wether it is a hammer for formwork, for a carpenter, or for wood frame house assembly, they all incorporate a steel rod with high resistance to false strokes, an ergonomic handle, an anti slip grip… Their conception allows to reach 40 % less mechanical vibrations.

The associated hammer holder, for right or left handed, avoids the hammer to fall when the worker is crouched.

Universal key to tight the nuts of the props, the shoring towers and the scaffoldings, this key increases the life of the nuts, and allows to eliminate 100 % of the noise caused by the shots of the hammer.

More information on Professional tools

Need more information? Feel free to call us at +33(0)4 79 61 85 90 or contact the sales manager of your sector.