A new way to assemble towers, in the opposite direction from traditional assembly :the workers start by assembling the top, and finish at the bottom.

Tower Elevator

  • Falls from height are eliminated: the worker no longer needs to climb the tower before its assembly is complete.
  • Falls of objects are eliminated
  • The tower cannot be assembled without all of its safety elements(pins, frames, etc.).
  • Disassembly takes place under the same safety conditions.
Reduced arduousness and repetitive strain injury:no element is lifted higher than the heart.
The increase in productivity is clear, for both assembly and disassembly.
Above 6 m,sections can be lifted and assembled using a crane.
Usable in all weather
, the Monte-Tour is watertight (IP65).
The stability of the system allows the towers to be moved on uneven surfaces.
  • The jury awarding the "Tous concernés" ("Everybody's Business") Trophy 2014, consisting of SIST BTP Savoie, the Savoie construction and public works federation, CAPEB Savoie, OPPBTP, DIRECCTE Savoie and CARSAT Rhône-Alpes, honoured Alphi with an award for the development of the Tower Elevator.
  • The Tower Elevator was the "Public buildings and works product selected by professionals 2015".

More information on Tower Elevator

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